Determine the sales value at the retail level. Currency traders are closely monitoring the retail sales report, as it is one of the first indicators of consumer behavior published in the month, so the market is sensitive to any surprises from this report. The upward trend has a positive impact on the country’s currency, as retail sales make up a large portion of consumption, which is the main driver of the economy and also has a significant impact on gross domestic production. The upward trend has a positive impact on the country’s currency, as retail sales make up a large portion of consumption, which is the main driver of the economy and also has a significant impact on gross domestic production. Fusion Media would like to remind you that the data contained on this website is not necessarily accurate or real-time.
Seasonally adjusted data is data that has been adjusted to remove the influence of seasonal and calendar influences to allow more meaningful comparisons of economic conditions from one period to another. For more information about seasonal adjustment, see Seasonally Adjusted Data – Frequently Asked Questions. The percentage change in the advance estimate of retail sales is calculated using seasonally adjusted data and is expressed in current dollars. This early indicator is a private, informal estimate provided to provide Canadians with timely information about the retail sector. The data sources and methodology used are the same as described on the Monthly Retail Trade Survey information page.
Trend cycle estimates are included in the selected graphs as a supplement to the seasonally adjusted series. These data represent a simplified version of the seasonally adjusted time series and provide information on longer-term movements, including changes in the underlying trend of the series.
Retail e-commerce sales in Canada
Seasonally adjusted data and trend cycle estimates are subject to revision as additional observations become available. These revisions may be wide-ranging and may even lead to a reversal of movement, especially for reference months near the end of the series or during periods of economic turmoil. Some common e-commerce transactions, such as travel and accommodation bookings, ticket purchases and financial transactions, are not included in Canadian retail sales figures. Total retail sales expressed in terms of volume are calculated by deflating current dollar values using consumer price indexes.
Retail sales rose 0.7% to $66.8 billion in April. Sales rose in seven of the nine subsectors, led by increases at gasoline stations and fuel retailers as well as food and beverage retailers. Core retail sales – which exclude gas stations, fuel retailers and auto and parts dealers – rose 1.4% in April.
In terms of volume, retail sales rose 0.5% in April.
Sales rise in eight provinces Retail sales rose in eight provinces in April. The largest regional increase was observed in Alberta (+3.1%), driven by higher sales at auto and parts dealers. The largest provincial decline in April was observed in Ontario (-1.0%) due to lower sales at auto and parts dealers. Meanwhile, sales in the Toronto metropolitan area fell by 2.5%.
Retail E-Commerce Sales in Canada On a seasonally adjusted basis, retail e-commerce sales declined 0.1% to $4.0 billion in April, representing 6.0% of total retail. This indicator measures the change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level
Canada’s Advanced Retail Index
Statistics Canada provides a forward estimate for retail sales, which indicates sales decreased by 0.6% in May. Due to its early nature, this figure will be revised. This informal estimate was calculated based on responses from 47.5% of companies surveyed. The average final survey response rate over the previous 12 months was 90.3%.
Data issued by Statistics Canada showed positive retail sales data in the country during the month of January, as the retail sales index in Canada recorded a contraction of 0.3% on a monthly basis, and this is better than market expectations that expected the index to record a contraction of 0.4%, and the previous reading was The index recorded a growth of 0.9% last December. During the same period, the basic retail sales index (excluding car sales) recorded a growth of 0.5% during December, which is a positive reading, as it was better than market expectations that indicated a contraction of the index by 0.4%, and the previous reading had recorded a growth of the index by about 0.6% last December. It is worth noting that this indicator measures the change in the total value of inflation-adjusted sales at the retail level. Likewise, this indicator is a measure of the value of goods sold by retailers based on a sample of retail stores of various types and sizes, and the data includes all sales that It is done through the Internet.
Data issued by the Canadian Statistics Office, today, Friday, showed negative retail sales data in the country during the month of last November, as the retail sales index in Canada recorded a contraction of 0.2% on a monthly basis, which is less than market expectations that suggested the index would stabilize at zero levels